Let’s review the Burbank real estate data for September 2017 to get insights into the housing market trends. This is important if YOU are thinking about buying or selling real estate in Burbank, California. Are Burbank home prices UP, DOWN or STABLE?
Burbank Real Estate Data Numbers for Houses
- Burbank homes are selling for $838,076 which is up 5.6% from September 2016
- Burbank homes are selling within 35 days after being listed for sale…wow. That is down 34.0% from 2016.
- There are 2.0 months of supply of homes available. That is down 25.9% from a year ago
- Burbank homes are selling for 100.9% of the listed price
- 82 single family homes are for sale in Burbank as of October 5th, 2017.
There appears to be a shortage of Burbank homes for sale and high demand. If you are buying or selling, think full price when making an offer. If there are multiple offers, bid over the listed price IF you want the home. It is a seller’s market. Whichever home you find in Burbank, rest assured, we are going to figure out the true market value so you can make a good offer.
Burbank Real Estate Data Numbers for Condos
- Burbank condos are selling for $489,795 which is up 3.5% over 2016
- Burbank condos are selling within 34 days after being listed for sale. That is down 30.60% from 2016
- There are 2 months of supply of condos for sale in Burbank, down 16.7% from 2016 real estate data numbers.
- Burbank condos are selling for 101.30% of the listed price…double wow. Up 1.4% from 2016.
- 18 condos are for sale in Burbank
- 4 townhomes are for sale
How are you going to find a Burbank Home or Condo When the Market is So Hot?
Here are a couple of ways I suggest:
Sign up to receive listings from my real estate website. As soon as they go into the California Regional Multiple Listing service, match your criteria and price range, you get an email.
Let’s meet if you are local or call me for a real estate consultation. If you are buying, and we agree to work together, then my staff and I will talk to homeowners that have properties are NOT for sale and see if they want to Sell. We call these “off-market properties”. I will explain more to you about them when you call me at 818-422-7447 or fill out the form below.
If you are selling, the demand is high and we need to meet and talk about your real estate plans. I have sold thousands of homes over the last 18 years and would love to help you too.